Online Sexual Exploitation
A child who is experiencing online enticement may be:
Spending increasing time online
Getting upset when he or she is not allowed on their device
Taking extra steps to conceal what they are doing online
Receiving gifts from people you don’t know
Sex Trafficking
Possible indicators of a child who is a victim of sex trafficking:
A significantly older boyfriend or girlfriend
Chronic runaway
Special marks, tattoos or branding
Substance abuse
Multiple delinquent charges
New clothes, jewelry or phone that cannot be accounted for
Sudden change in appearance or behavior
Be fearful of police or authorities
Exhibit signs of physical and psychological trauma (e.g. anxiety, lack of memory of recent events, bruising, untreated conditions)
Have limited freedom of movement, because they are being watched
Child Abuse
A child who is being sexually abused is often forced to perform the “services” by an older person in a position of power or trust. The abuser may also coerce the child through some form of a favor, such as alcohol, drugs, attention or gifts. You may notice a child that is:
Often going missing
Showing evidence of physical or sexual assault (including STDs)
In relationships with significantly older people
Traveling with an older man
Has unexplained money or presents
Experimenting with drugs and alcohol
Seen entering or leaving vehicles with unknown adults
Showing signs of low self image, self harm, or eating disorder
Taking part in social activities with no plausible explanation